INPUT Namespace Reference

General Input. More...


struct  UnifiedButton
 Represents an input button from an arbitrary device. More...


namespace  KEYBOARD
 Keyboard-specific input.
namespace  MOUSE
 Mouse-specific input.


enum  DeviceType
 The device that a button represents.


bool IsButtonDown (const UnifiedButton &button)
 Returns whether the specific button is currently pressed down.
const std::vector
< UnifiedButton > & 
GetCurrentlyPressedButtons ()
 Returns a list of buttons that are currently pressed down.
const std::vector
< UnifiedButton > & 
GetNewlyPressedButtons ()
 Returns a list of buttons that were pressed since the last frame.
const std::string & GetFriendlyName (const UnifiedButton &button)
 Retrieves a user-friendly name for a unified button.

Detailed Description

General Input.

Generated on Sat Aug 9 15:05:10 2008 for MPMA Framework by  doxygen 1.5.6