INPUT::KEYBOARD Namespace Reference

Keyboard-specific input. More...


const std::string & GetFriendlyName (uint8 key)
 Returns the friendly name for a key value.
bool IsKeyDown (uint8 key)
 Returns whether the specified key is currently down.
const std::vector< uint8 > & GetCurrentlyPressedKeys ()
 Returns a list of keys that are currently pressed down.
const std::vector< uint8 > & GetNewlyPressedKeys ()
 Returns a list of keys that were newly pressed within the last frame.
bool UpdateTypedText (std::string &textToEdit)
 Updates a string with text typed by the user. If the user had pressed backspace, the last character is removed. Enter is also stored in the string as
. Returns true if the text was changed.
void SetCaptureMode (bool captureTypedText, bool captureKeyState)
 Sets the capture mode for keyboard input. This controls whether typed text or key state is captured and made available to the app. By default both are captured.
bool IsCapturingText ()
 Returns whether typed text is currently being captured.
bool IsCapturingState ()
 Returns whether key state is currently being captured.
UnifiedButton GetUnifiedButton (uint8 key)
 Returns a unified button that represents a specific key.


const uint8 A = 'A'
 A key.
const uint8 B = 'B'
 B key.
const uint8 C = 'C'
 C key.
const uint8 D = 'D'
 D key.
const uint8 E = 'E'
 E key.
const uint8 F = 'F'
 F key.
const uint8 G = 'G'
 G key.
const uint8 H = 'H'
 H key.
const uint8 I = 'I'
 I key.
const uint8 J = 'J'
 J key.
const uint8 K = 'K'
 K key.
const uint8 L = 'L'
 L key.
const uint8 M = 'M'
 M key.
const uint8 N = 'N'
 N key.
const uint8 O = 'O'
 O key.
const uint8 P = 'P'
 P key.
const uint8 Q = 'Q'
 Q key.
const uint8 R = 'R'
 R key.
const uint8 S = 'S'
 S key.
const uint8 T = 'T'
 T key.
const uint8 U = 'U'
 U key.
const uint8 V = 'V'
 V key.
const uint8 W = 'W'
 W key.
const uint8 X = 'X'
 X key.
const uint8 Y = 'Y'
 Y key.
const uint8 Z = 'Z'
 Z key.
const uint8 NUM0 = '0'
 0 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM1 = '1'
 1 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM2 = '2'
 2 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM3 = '3'
 3 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM4 = '4'
 4 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM5 = '5'
 5 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM6 = '6'
 6 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM7 = '7'
 7 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM8 = '8'
 8 key above the letters
const uint8 NUM9 = '9'
 9 key above the letters
const uint8 SPACE = ' '
 space key
const uint8 TILDA = '`'
 ~ key
const uint8 LEFT_BRACKET = '['
 [ key
const uint8 RIGHT_BRACKET = ']'
 ] key
const uint8 QUOTE = '\''
 " key
const uint8 COMMA = ','
 , key
const uint8 PERIOD = '.'
 . key
const uint8 SLASH = '/'
 / key
const uint8 BACKSLASH = '\\'
 \ key
const uint8 EQUALS = '='
 = key
const uint8 DASH = '-'
  • key

const uint8 COLON = ';'
 ; key
const uint8 ENTER = '\n'
 enter key
const uint8 TAB = '\t'
 tab key
const uint8 BACKSPACE = 130
 backspace key
const uint8 ESCAPE = 131
 escape key
const uint8 UP = 140
 up arrow key
const uint8 DOWN = 141
 down arrow key
const uint8 LEFT = 142
 left arrow key
const uint8 RIGHT = 143
 right arrow key
const uint8 INSERT = 150
 insert key
const uint8 DELETE = 151
 delete key
const uint8 HOME = 152
 home key
const uint8 END = 153
 end key
const uint8 PAGE_UP = 154
 page up key
const uint8 PAGE_DOWN = 155
 page down key
const uint8 F1 = 161
 F1 function key.
const uint8 F2 = 162
 F2 function key.
const uint8 F3 = 163
 F3 function key.
const uint8 F4 = 164
 F4 function key.
const uint8 F5 = 165
 F5 function key.
const uint8 F6 = 166
 F6 function key.
const uint8 F7 = 167
 F7 function key.
const uint8 F8 = 168
 F8 function key.
const uint8 F9 = 169
 F9 function key.
const uint8 F10 = 170
 F10 function key.
const uint8 F11 = 171
 F11 function key.
const uint8 F12 = 172
 F12 function key.
const uint8 PAD0 = 200
 0 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD1 = 201
 1 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD2 = 202
 2 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD3 = 203
 3 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD4 = 204
 4 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD5 = 205
 5 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD6 = 206
 6 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD7 = 207
 7 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD8 = 208
 8 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD9 = 209
 9 key on numpad
const uint8 PAD_SLASH = 210
 / key on numpad
const uint8 PAD_STAR = 211
 * key on numpad
const uint8 PAD_MINUS = 212
  • key on numpad

const uint8 PAD_PLUS = 213
 + key on numpad
const uint8 PAD_DOT = 214
 . key on numpad
const uint8 PAD_ENTER = 215
 enter key on numpad
const uint8 LEFT_SHIFT = 230
 left shift key
const uint8 RIGHT_SHIFT = 231
 right shift key
const uint8 LEFT_CONTROL = 232
 left control key
const uint8 RIGHT_CONTROL = 233
 right control key
const uint8 LEFT_ALT = 234
 left alt key - BE WARY that the desktop system may already make use of this key for other purposes
const uint8 RIGHT_ALT = 235
 right alt key - BE WARY that the desktop system may already make use of this key for other purposes

Detailed Description

Keyboard-specific input.

Generated on Sat Aug 9 15:05:10 2008 for MPMA Framework by  doxygen 1.5.6