audio/AL_Include.h [code] | |
audio/AL_LockedCalls.h [code] | |
audio/AudioSetup.cpp | OpenAL setup |
audio/Buffer.cpp | Static and streaming sound data containers |
audio/Buffer.h [code] | Static and streaming sound data containers |
audio/Listener.cpp | Controls the sound listener, which all sounds are relative to |
audio/Listener.h [code] | Controls the sound listener, which all sounds are relative to. Also controls global sound settings |
audio/Player.cpp | Plays sound buffers |
audio/Player.h [code] | Plays sound buffers |
audio/Source.cpp | Sound sample sources |
audio/Source.h [code] | Sound sample sources |
base/Debug.h [code] | Debugging helpers |
base/DebugRouter.h [code] | Debug output router |
base/File.h [code] | File name converter and directory management functions |
base/Info.h [code] | Retrieves information about the system |
base/Locks.h [code] | Thread locking constructs and atomic functions |
base/Memory.h [code] | Handles memory management and tracking/debugging |
base/MiscStuff.h [code] | A bunch of mismatched but useful functions |
base/Profiler.h [code] | Profile the speed of sections of code |
base/ReferenceCount.cpp | Reference counting utilities |
base/ReferenceCount.h [code] | Reference counting utilities |
base/Setup.h [code] | Initialization and configuration options for different parts of the framework. Adjust the parameters in here to suite your application |
base/Thread.h [code] | Thread creation and management |
base/ThreadedTask.h [code] | Paralellize a task using threads |
base/Timer.h [code] | A class for measuring time passed with a high degree of precision (sub ms level) |
base/Types.h [code] | Definition of basic data types, so there is no ambiguity between different platforms and compilers |
base/Vary.h [code] | A variable type variable |
base/linux/LocksLin32.h [code] | |
base/win32/alt_windows.h [code] | |
base/win32/evil_windows.h [code] | |
base/win32/LocksWin32.h [code] | |
geo/Geo.h [code] | Vector and matrix primitives and operations |
geo/GeoBases.h [code] | Base classes for the geo primitives |
geo/GeoInterpolators.h [code] | Some common interpolation stuff |
geo/GeoIntersect.h [code] | A few simple geometry intersection functions |
geo/GeoObjects.h [code] | A few feometric objects derived other primitives |
gfx/Shader.h [code] | OpenGL Shader wrapper |
gfx/Texture.h [code] | OpenGL Texture wrapper |
gfx/TextWriter.h [code] | Helper for rendering text |
gfx/Vertex.h [code] | OpenGL Vertex buffer and Index buffer wrappers |
gfxsetup/Extensions.cpp | OpenGL Extension setup |
gfxsetup/Extensions.h [code] | OpenGL Extension setup |
gfxsetup/GFXSetup.h [code] | Window system and OpenGL setup |
gfxsetup/GL.cpp | This contains a couple utility functions common to different parts of OpenGL |
gfxsetup/GL.h [code] | Includes OpenGL's gl.h. This should be used instead of directly including gl.h, and before glu.h or others are included. This also contains a couple utility functions common to different parts of OpenGL |
gfxsetup/linux/ExtensionsLin32.cpp | OpenGL Extension setup - Linux |
gfxsetup/linux/GFXSetupLin32.cpp | Window system and OpenGL setup |
gfxsetup/win32/ExtensionsWin32.cpp | OpenGL Extension setup - Windows |
gfxsetup/win32/GFXSetupWin32.cpp | Window system and OpenGL setup |
input/Keyboard.cpp | Keyboard input platform-common code |
input/Keyboard.h [code] | Keyboard input. Note that all input relies on the window being set up first |
input/Mouse.cpp | Mouse input platform-common code |
input/Mouse.h [code] | Mouse input. Note that all input relies on the window being set up first |
input/Unified.cpp | Unified input platform-common code |
input/Unified.h [code] | Unified input for keyboard+mouse+gamepad. Note that all input relies on the window being set up first |
input/linux/KeyboardLin32.cpp | Keyboard input for linux |
input/linux/MouseLin32.cpp | Mouse input for linux |
input/win32/KeyboardWin32.cpp | Keyboard input for windows |
input/win32/MouseWin32.cpp | Mouse input for windows |
net/Common.h [code] | Common structs and functions used by the different protocols |
net/PlatformSockets.h [code] | |
net/TCP.h [code] | TCP/IP client and server(listener) |
net/UDP.h [code] | UDP packet flinging |
net/UPNP.cpp | Utilities to help poke holes in evil NATs |
net/UPNP.h [code] | Utilities to help poke holes in evil NATs |